is website
A website is a collection of web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that is hosted on
one or several Web server, usually accessible via the Internet, cell phone or a
LAN. A web page is what you see on the screen when you type in a web
address, click on a link, or put a query in a search engine. A web page can
contain any type of information, and can include text, color, graphics,
animation and sound. The definition of web page is a
document, typically written in HTML, which is almost always accessible via
HTTP, a protocol that transfers information from the Web server to display in
the user is Web browser. When someone gives you their web address, it
generally takes you to their website is home page, which should introduce you to
what that site offers in terms of information or other services. From the home
page, you can click on links to reach other sections of the site. A website can
consist of one page, or of tens of thousands of pages, depending on what the
site owner is trying to accomplish. Why do people visit websites. Generally,
people look at websites for two primary reasons: first reasons to find information they need.
This could be anything from a student looking for pictures of frogs for a
school project, to finding the latest stock quotes, to getting the address of
the nearest restaurant. Second reasons
to complete a task. Visitors may want to buy the latest best-seller, download a
software program, or participate in an online discussion about a favorite
hobby. The main thing to remember in
creating a website is that you're not creating the website for you; you already
know about the information or service you have to offer. You're creating the
site for your visitors, so it should contain the content they want, and be
organized in a way that makes sense, even to an outsider. A website is a means of communication, and it
is only successful when its message is received by the intended user. If you
would like to learn more about modern web design techniques, good website practices
and web design standards all in simple
and understandable format, it is best to start from guide "Learning web design", which offers
simple design exercises and builds your skills step by step. Most importantly,
this book offers both ideas and exercises how to start and build your skills incrementally.
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